JMS Air Conditioning and Heating Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Los Angeles’

Signs of a Freon Leak in Your AC and What to Do

Monday, February 27th, 2023

Your air conditioner likely uses a substance called refrigerant to cool your home. In some cases it also uses refrigerant to heat your home, but it depends on what type of system you have. Many people use the terms Freon and refrigerant interchangeably, although Freon is a specific brand name of refrigerant. 

No matter what you want to call it, having a Freon leak in your AC is a big problem. If you think that you have a Freon leak and went to schedule AC repair in Los Angeles, our team can help. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about the signs of a Freon leak in your AC and what to do about it. 

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Signs of a Refrigerant Leak in Your AC and What to Do

Monday, January 30th, 2023

Let’s face it, air conditioning is always on our minds because it just doesn’t get and stay that cold here in Southern California. We tend to be much more concerned about our air conditioners than our heaters. And one common problem with AC is that the refrigerant can leak out. 

But just because it’s common, does not mean that it’s something you need to accept and put up with. Recharging refrigerant and fixing leaks is something we do frequently. So if you need AC repair in Los Angeles, give him a call. In the meantime, you can learn about the common signs of a refrigerant leak in residential ACs. 

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Which Heater Is Best for Your Home?

Monday, October 24th, 2022

If you’re thinking about replacing your heater in the near future, you may be weighing your different options. Homeowners were once limited to only certain types of heaters, but technology has advanced enough that there are now a variety of heating options. Furnaces are more traditional and seem to have a timelessness that leads many homeowners to invest in them over and over again.

But ductless mini split units are gaining popularity as homeowners seek the flexibility they offer. No matter what type of unit you’re looking for, our team can provide an expert heater installation in Los Angeles. We can answer your questions and assess your needs to help you make the best decision for your home and family. In the meantime, you can read more about the pros and cons of each heater to determine which heater is best for your home. 

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Why is My HVAC Unit Short Cycling

Monday, October 10th, 2022

You may not realize it or think about it, but your AC unit is made up of tiny, intricate parts that all work together to cool your home. When something happens with just one screw or bolt, the damage can quickly spread throughout your unit and lead to a fairly common problem for residential air conditioners: short cycling.

Short cycling happens when your air conditioner turns on and off more frequently than it should between cooling cycles. If you suspect that your air conditioner is short cycling, your need Los Angeles air conditioning repair. And our team can help! But first, it’s important to understand what short cycling is and why it happens.

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Three Quick Ways to Detect a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, July 4th, 2022

As the summer heat rages on, HVAC units in homes around the United States are getting used daily. If you want to keep the inside of your home at a comfortable temperature, then keeping your HVAC unit functional is imperative. Residential HVAC units need a few basic things to produce a steady flow of cool air. 

The refrigerant in your HVAC unit is responsible for absorbing the heat in the air that your system pulls in from outdoors. As this air runs through the evaporator and compressor, the refrigerant helps to cool it down. Refrigerant leaks are quite common, especially in older units. 

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Our AC Installation Guide for Los Angeles

Monday, June 20th, 2022

As many of you already know, purchasing an air conditioner in the greater Los Angeles area is going to be a much different experience than purchasing one in Canada or New York. The climate is extremely different, to say the least, and energy costs, local standards, and even the quality of work are going to drastically differ from other areas of the country (or even the world). That’s why it’s important to have a local team that can take care of you.

We understand the unique need of cooling a home in this climate. We understand the heat and intensity of an LA summer, and we also know that many residents who depend on us are looking for a system that’s going to cost less energy to operate.

Well, look no further! Here, we’ve got a guide for AC installation in Los Angeles, CA. We’ll tell you everything you need to know when going into a purchase like this.

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Everything to Know About AC Replacement

Monday, April 11th, 2022

Air conditioning replacements are an eventuality in this world. Especially if you depend on yours for beating the heat, you won’t really be able to go back to how life used to be without an AC unit. Well, you can try but we don’t recommend it at all.

Instead, why not factor into your budget a new air conditioning installation in Los Angeles, CA? Sure, it might sound like a huge expense you’d rather avoid, but what if you’re already paying too much for air conditioning? If you’ve got an AC system that’s running up the bill or constantly causing you stress, then a replacement might actually be the most cost-effective solution you could choose.

We’re not here to sell you something, we’re here to discuss your options and inform you. So, let’s learn everything there is to know about an AC replacement!

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How Does Compression Work in Your AC?

Monday, March 28th, 2022

We all know that the most vital component of our air conditioner is the “compressor.” It’s referred to sometimes as the “heart” of the AC since, without it, your air conditioner is just an oversized fan. This is basically true, and it’s one of the biggest reasons why we advocate for homeowners to invest in AC repair in Los Angeles, CA when something seems wrong with the compressor. An air conditioner needs a functional compressor.

That being said, do you know how your compressor works? It’s alright if you answer “no” to that question. Not that many homeowners understand the technology in their AC units, and why should they? It’s not like we go through an “HVAC 101” class in high school or anything.

Well, consider today your first day of class in learning how compressors work. With this new information, you’ll hopefully be able to know your AC a bit better!

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It’s Time to Take Your AC Out of Hibernation!

Monday, March 14th, 2022

We might not have much of a winter here in LA, but we do get a few months of relief from the sun and heat that comes with our summer temperatures. Now that it’s officially halfway through march, it’s safe to say that temperatures are going to start getting up there and we need to be ready for them. So, get out those shorts, bathing suits, and sunscreen, but don’t forget to prepare your air conditioner!

Yep, there are some things that we’re going to talk about today that help your AC prepare for the hot temperatures ahead. Things like AC maintenance in Los Angeles can have a measurable impact on the performance of your air conditioner when summer temperatures finally reach us. There are a few other things you can do to help prepare for the summer, and all you need to do is keep reading to learn about them!

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Don’t Delay Your Duct Services!

Monday, February 28th, 2022

Air ducts are a vital component of our HVAC systems. They’re responsible for pushing the heated or cooled air that’s created by the system into each room of our house. Without proper ductwork, you could lose valuable heating or cooling power and end up wasting money on leaks and issues. Not to mention the fact that only certain systems can run without the use of extensive duct systems, so you should really keep your ducts in good shape.

Here’s the problem–how do you know if your air ducts are in need of help? Air ducts in Los Angeles are vital to your home’s energy efficiency, but the signs of air duct issues can often be hard to notice. That’s why we’re going to talk about some signs that you might need air duct repairs or sealing services.

Just remember, don’t delay your duct services!

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