How an Air Purifier Eliminates Odors

August 16th, 2021

Air purifiers are indoor air quality systems that are designed to tackle a set of particular contaminants. While a UV air purifier might not be able to eliminate dust or dirt from your air, it will absolutely be able to kill germs like viruses, bacteria, and mold spores. Combining an air purifier with an air filter can give your home a two-pronged approach towards combating contaminants and making your home a safe and clean environment.

That being said, we don’t have enough time in one blog post to talk about both of these systems so we’re going to have to focus on air purifiers in West Hollywood, CA. We’ll discuss a specific advantage that these systems provide which is their ability to eliminate foul odors from your home.

How does this work? And do you need an air purifier in your home to help deal with circulating odors that are making you uncomfortable and your friends and family unhappy? Keep reading to find out!

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Is Conditioned Air Escaping From Your Home?

August 2nd, 2021

Nothing feels better than coming home on a hot day to a perfectly air-conditioned home. You check the thermostat and it’s sitting pretty at 68°, and you can open up a cool drink while relaxing. It really is one of those under-appreciated, best moments of the summer.

However, what happens when you get home and your home isn’t comfortable? The air conditioner is acting like it just ran a marathon, your thermostat is reading 68°, but things are definitely not as comfortable as they should be. What gives?

Well, the truth is that you could require AC repair in West Hollywood, CA, as well as some much-needed ductwork performed by professionals. If that’s not a satisfactory answer, then you’re not alone. Keep reading as we get into the details of how and why conditioned air could be escaping from your home.

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Do You Need a UV Air Purifier?

July 19th, 2021

This might seem like a random question to ask a homeowner, but with the importance of safety and air quality rising in priority, we think it needs to be asked. Whether you’re an expert in indoor air quality technology, or you’re just a homeowner looking for a way to keep your home safe and secure, this is a blog post all about air purification.

The information about not only what is in our air, but also how to filter and eliminate these contaminants should be more widely available than it is. After all, homeowners often don’t know the specifics of what could be plaguing their indoor air, or why an air purifier in Santa Clarita, CA is a great purchase for the future.

Is an air purifier perfect for your home? Or perhaps you’re more in need of an air filter, or some other kind of indoor air quality system? Don’t worry, this blog post will discuss exactly what these systems do and point you in the right direction!

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3 Major AC Repairs to Watch For

July 5th, 2021

Your air conditioner has several moving parts and components that work together to provide you with excellent cooling. As long as the air conditioner is working properly, most homeowners don’t bother to check for repairs or routine maintenance needs.

As the temperatures begin to go higher and higher, your air conditioner will need to work overtime to make sure that your home is cool and comfortable. It will be crucial to ensure that your air conditioner is in optimal working condition so that you do not have to put up with unbearable temperatures indoors.

Neglecting your air conditioning in Santa Clarita, CA, especially when it is struggling, can result in the unit breaking down. We will tell you some of the most significant AC repairs you should keep an eye out for to know when you should schedule repairs.

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What Could Go Wrong with My Commercial AC?

June 21st, 2021

A business requires much more specialized care than a home. A home is a sanctuary, and can be regulated to the temperature that the homeowner wants. However, commercial spaces are designed for business and a lot of different people, from customers to clients. Just one small problem with an air conditioner can affect a lot of people, and it can lead to problems not only physically, but legally.

Today, we’d like to talk about the importance of professional commercial AC services. If you could take one thing away from this blog post, it’s that commercial air conditioning in Los Angeles, CA needs to be precise, proactive, and done in a timely manner. This level of service can only be completed by a team of professionals.

Let’s talk about some ways that your commercial AC could run into issues and why our team is the one to call to help you when you need it.

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5 Reasons to Upgrade Your AC

June 7th, 2021

It is always hard to let go of old appliances because of the effort needed to research new products. However, with the advancements in technology that may have occurred since your last AC system purchase, it’s probably worth getting a newer model.

If you are looking for AC repair in Los Angeles, CA, JMS Air Conditioning and Heating have you covered. Here are 5 reasons to upgrade your AC:

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The Insidious Problem of Mold

May 24th, 2021

Mold is a strange concept. We all know what it is, from the tiny specs of mold we find in expired food to the mold that we’ve seen grow outside in dark, damp areas of our property. It’s almost a force of nature–wherever there’s moisture and darkness, mold will begin to fester no matter how much you wish it away.

That being said, your home is different. Your home is your sanctuary, and no home should be forced to deal with a mold problem that’s both dangerous and uncomfortable. Our team provides air purifiers in Pasadena, CA for homes that need a high-tech advantage in the fight against growing mold and mildew.

To show just how important it is that you invest in the right indoor air quality solutions, we’re going to talk about why mold is such a problem in homes.

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Dirty Sock Smell? Here’s What’s Happening

May 10th, 2021

This is quite a common phenomenon, no matter what you might think is going on. Homeowners sometimes panic when they detect a foul odor like this, and they can assume the problem is way worse than it actually is.

Look, mold and bacteria that exist in parts of your home that are far away and undetectable can be a lot worse. Mold can infiltrate crawl spaces, air ducts, basements, and other areas for years without detection. We want homeowners to feel good with the fact that just by smelling this foul odor, you’re one step closer to solving the problem and keeping your home safe and comfortable.

So, it’s time we conquered the age-old question of what happens to your AC when you detect a dirty sock smell? Likewise, do you need air conditioning repair in Pasadena, CA? We’ll answer all of these questions and more down below.

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3 Contaminants You Haven’t Heard About

April 26th, 2021

Contaminants are everywhere these days. It’s so important that we nip them in the bud wherever possible, because we never really know what’s in our air. From bacteria, to viruses, and even mold spores and more, our air is inundated with things that our body is constantly fighting against.

However, most homeowners already know about those biological contaminants, but what about other types of problems? If you’ve ever done an online search about the possible contaminants in your air, you’ve probably been overwhelmed by a long list of possibilities. While many contaminants are less likely to appear in your home than others, depending on certain factors, there are some important ones that you might want protection from.

Don’t worry, an air purifier in Glendale, CA as well as an air filtration system can deal with this problem head-on so that you can live a safe and secure life going forward.

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5 Things You Should Look for in Your AC

April 12th, 2021

Air conditioners are complicated. You probably already understand this. The problem with air conditioning repair in Glendale, CA is that homeowners don’t know enough about their AC systems to call us at an early enough point.

For example, we arrive at homes all the time where we’re expecting a simple repair, but it’s actually much more complicated than that because a homeowner couldn’t tell that the AC was struggling before that. We want you to notice when your AC is struggling before the system is at the breaking point.

So, to help curb this, we’re going to list out 7 common issues we see in many air conditioners. We’ll give you all the signs to look for so you know exactly when to call us for help. Remember, the more you know about your air conditioner, the better off you’ll be when it comes to saving money and feeling comfortable!

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