It’s Time to Take Your AC Out of Hibernation!

March 14th, 2022

We might not have much of a winter here in LA, but we do get a few months of relief from the sun and heat that comes with our summer temperatures. Now that it’s officially halfway through march, it’s safe to say that temperatures are going to start getting up there and we need to be ready for them. So, get out those shorts, bathing suits, and sunscreen, but don’t forget to prepare your air conditioner!

Yep, there are some things that we’re going to talk about today that help your AC prepare for the hot temperatures ahead. Things like AC maintenance in Los Angeles can have a measurable impact on the performance of your air conditioner when summer temperatures finally reach us. There are a few other things you can do to help prepare for the summer, and all you need to do is keep reading to learn about them!

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Don’t Delay Your Duct Services!

February 28th, 2022

Air ducts are a vital component of our HVAC systems. They’re responsible for pushing the heated or cooled air that’s created by the system into each room of our house. Without proper ductwork, you could lose valuable heating or cooling power and end up wasting money on leaks and issues. Not to mention the fact that only certain systems can run without the use of extensive duct systems, so you should really keep your ducts in good shape.

Here’s the problem–how do you know if your air ducts are in need of help? Air ducts in Los Angeles are vital to your home’s energy efficiency, but the signs of air duct issues can often be hard to notice. That’s why we’re going to talk about some signs that you might need air duct repairs or sealing services.

Just remember, don’t delay your duct services!

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5 Important Facts About Mold

February 14th, 2022

Mold is one of those insidious problems that’s known for being hard to get rid of. It’s like a monster from an 80s horror movie that just won’t go away, and it always tends to come back for the many sequels that are planned. While you might extensively go through your home to clean mold, you might not be cleaning the source of it. And, even if you do target the source, it still could be propagated through the air of your home.

If this sounds discouraging then we completely understand. But we’ve got a pretty positive perspective on mold that should help. The good news is that there are solutions that can help target mold and alleviate it, like a UV air purifier in Beverly Hills, CA.

Knowledge is power. And today, we know more about mold than we ever have before. So let’s dive into some ways to fight against it.

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Your Heat Pump Needs More Maintenance

January 17th, 2022

We’re not telling you to call us a second time for maintenance this season. If you’ve already invested in wintertime heat pump maintenance then you’re in good shape! What we’re talking about is the fact that your heat pumps require more maintenance than other HVAC systems.

Air conditioners and other heating systems only need maintenance once a year since they only work to provide heating or cooling. With a heat pump, this system provides your home with both heating and cooling, which means it needs twice as much maintenance as a normal HVAC system.

In this blog post, we’re going to talk about what can happen if you decide to only maintain your heat pump half as much as it should be maintained. Let this be a PSA to get your heat pump maintained twice a year. Without enough maintenance, you might end up calling us for heating repair in Beverly Hills, CA.

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What’s the Big Problem With Dust?

January 3rd, 2022

There are thousands of articles all over the web about dust. It’s a pretty common material that can form after just a few weeks of living at your home, which is why people are always so concerned about it. Also, it can lead to some pretty bad problems with your quality of life. This is why we decided to write about it because it has different meanings for people who work in the HVAC industry.

When it comes to your HVAC system, your personal health, and your comfort, dust is a big problem. In those three categories, it can cause your quality of life to deteriorate while being obnoxious for anyone who comes to visit your house. Especially for people with an allergic reaction to dust, experiencing just a slightly dusty environment can be miserable.

After our blog today, we hope it’s pretty obvious why an air filter or air purifier in Glendale, CA is such a good investment.

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A New Thermostat Can Go a Long Way!

December 20th, 2021

You feel pretty confident after getting your heating system or air conditioner replaced a few years ago, that you’ve bought yourself some time before you need to make a big purchase for your home comfort. Congratulations! That’s got to be a great feeling, and we commend you for being so proactive towards home comfort. The majority of homeowners don’t think like that, and we need to give credit where it’s due!

However, there’s one more thing to consider aside from your heating in Glendale, CA. We’re talking about the control of your heating. The thermostat system in your home is what you use to communicate with your heater.

As you look at your old analog thermostat that’s lied dusty and quiet for 40 or 50 years, we want you to start thinking about the technological advancements we’ve made since then. Getting a new thermostat could be a huge improvement for your home, and here’s why.

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Is Your Heater in Need of an Upgrade?

December 6th, 2021

It feels like yesterday you purchased this new heating system and it started working like a charm. Except “yesterday” at this point is closer to 10 or 15 years, and your heating system doesn’t work at all like it used to! Time really does fly, and at this point, it might be worth looking at replacement systems.

Don’t get us wrong, we definitely abide by the “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” rule. But the truth is that your furnace or heat pump could be broken, you just haven’t realized it yet. High heating bills, poor comfort control, and even frequent furnace repairs in Los Angeles, CA can mean that you need a system replacement in the near future.

Today, let’s nip this in the bud and figure out whether your heating system just needs a bit of a quick fix or if it’s ready to be completely replaced.

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Let’s Keep Your Heater From Breaking Down

November 22nd, 2021

A broken-down heating system is no joke. In fact, we’d go as far as saying it’s kind of a nightmare. First, your heater could have broken down on a night when temperatures are just too cold for your liking. This could cause you serious discomfort. Second, you could be dealing with a huge cost towards replacing the system or even repairing it. Basically, a broken-down heater means that something is going to cost you, and that can be a difficult situation to be in.

While our team can help you with replacement or even heating repair in Los Angeles, CA, ideally we’d like to help your heating system last well into old age. The longer your system can go without breaking down while functioning efficiently and effectively, the happier your home will be!

So, let’s talk about some nifty ways to extend the lifespan of your heating system and ensure that it works as long as it’s meant to.

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Should You Get Your Compressor Replaced?

November 8th, 2021

We meet a few homeowners who run into compressor problems. They’re not very common issues to have with your air conditioner, but they do happen, and they can lead to a complicated conversation. The big problem with a compressor issue is that replacing a broken compressor can be one of the most expensive fixes that you can sign up for. Compressors are the most important component of the cooling process, and without a functioning one, your AC is just an oversized fan.

Today, we’d like to talk about air conditioning repair in Simi Valley, CA, and in specific, we’d like to focus on compressors. When should you have your compressor fixed, replaced, or when should you decide to have your whole system replaced altogether?

We aim to answer that question and more down below. Just make sure you call us for a comfort consultation if you need help.

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The Cost of Not Getting an Air Purifier

October 25th, 2021

We talk a lot about the cost of HVAC equipment in this blog. A heating or cooling system is one of the largest investments you might make in your life, aside from a car or a home. That’s why we think it’s helpful to homeowners when we talk about the financial side of this industry.

Indoor air quality isn’t any different. There’s absolutely a cost to investing in an air purifier in Thousand Oaks, CA, but that cost should be weighed against the cost of not getting a system like this. Let us explain.

Getting sick more often, and experiencing foul odors throughout your home can be a net negative in a lot of ways. Your life might be uncomfortable and you might be inconvenienced by cleaning more, but these problems can also add up financially. Purchasing more tissues and cleaning supplies, going out to eat more, things like these are some of the expenses that come with forgoing this kind of important investment.

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