Common Issues with a Heater in California

February 3rd, 2020

It’s no surprise that our climate in Hollywood is a little different than our neighbors in the United States. While they deal with frigid temperatures that are constantly dipping below zero, we panic when the thermostat dips into the forties!

That being said, unbeknownst to a lot of our neighbors around the country, we do have heaters and they tend to need service just like any other heater out there! In fact, we’re writing this post right now because there could be homeowners out there in dire need of heater repair in West Hollywood!

So, for all those who are struggling with their problematic furnaces, this post is for you. Hopefully, as we explore the most common issues with a furnace in our area, you can get a clearer idea of what you’ll need and who you can call.

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3 Signs of Imminent Furnace Repair

January 20th, 2020

Furnaces are complex pieces of machinery. When dealing with something as complicated as a furnace, you’re going to need to be one of two things: either a trained and certified HVAC technician or a vigilant homeowner who has done their research.

Without the training or a sharp ear, you might be confused when your heater suddenly breaks down in the wintertime and you had no idea it was struggling this whole time. That’s why we’re really keen on making sure that you’re up to speed on everything that could go wrong with your furnace and how you could notice the signs of upcoming problems.

In an ideal world, whenever your furnace is having trouble—you’ll know exactly when to call for furnace repair in Simi Valley, and a technician will be able to appropriately fix the problem in no time. So, how can you tell if your system is having trouble?

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Compare and Contrast: The Best Heaters in Beverly Hills

January 6th, 2020

We get it, the title is sort of an oxymoron. While it might not get chilly very often in Beverly Hills, there are plenty of days each year where a heater could be an important tool for your home.

The problem with this sentiment is that there are various different types of heaters to choose from in our area, and since our climate isn’t like our northern neighbors, we need to be careful that we don’t choose an inefficient system. Heating systems like boilers are usually just not versatile enough since they often work too well for a mild climate like ours. When it comes to HVAC services in Beverly Hills, you’re going to want one of two types of heating systems—either a gas furnace or a heat pump.

So today, we’re going to go over the differences between these two systems and how they function in regard to efficiency.

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The Difference Between an Air Filtration System and an Air Purifier

December 23rd, 2019

Contrary to what many homeowners in our area might believe, air filters and air purifiers don’t do the same thing. While they might both contribute equally to helping the indoor air quality of your home, they don’t do it in the exact same way.

While we’d like to get to the bottom of what they do exactly for curiosity’s sake, we also want to do it so many homeowners out there know what type of system they should invest in. If you’ve been having trouble with the air quality in your home, don’t just point at a catalog of indoor air quality solutions and take a guess—it’s time to make an informed decision on how you can best deal with air contaminants.

Whether you could use some help with your IAQ or not, join us for a ride through the science behind cleaning your indoor air!

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What Is a SEER Rating, and Why Does It Matter?

December 9th, 2019

While the rest of the country is talking about heating systems, we’re lucky to have some mild temperatures all year round. That means we’ve got extra time to inform people in our area about the intricacies of their air conditioning systems while we prepare for the scorching temperatures next year.

The SEER rating is an energy efficiency ratio that applies to all air conditioners and heat pump systems in the United States. Being able to use this rating to its fullest extent could be your ticket to a high-efficiency heat pump or AC system that’s right for your home. Not only that, but knowing the efficiency ratio of your system compared to the newer models coming out, could be the difference between replacement and air conditioning repair in West Hollywood, CA!

So buckle up and get ready to take some notes. SEER class is about to begin!

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Why Are Furnaces So Reliable?

November 25th, 2019

If this idea is news to you, then we’d like to fill you in. Furnaces are the most common type of heater in the United States, topping out as one of the most affordable, efficient, and yes—reliable. But today, we’d like to ask specifically why furnaces are so reliable?

In the past few years, furnaces in Los Angeles, CA have gone through a huge increase in efficiency and reliability. Each new furnace model that comes out has a higher efficiency ratio, is made of more stable metal alloys, and is usually equipped to function with a smart thermostat, granting an owner complete control over the temperature within their home.

So, what exactly makes these systems so affordable, comfortable, and reliable these days? The more important question is whether or not this is enough information to convert you into a furnace believer! Keep reading to find out.

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Is a Heat Pump Right for You?

November 11th, 2019

Heat pumps are a marvel of modern technology. They exist as an alternative to air conditioners and furnaces and can be perfect in our California climate. Heat pumps are some of the most efficient heating models around. They run on electricity, function without a system of air ducts, and can provide instant heating and cooling from the flip of a switch.

To get more into the why of how a heat pump runs so efficiently, we’re going to have to talk about what exactly it does. After all, these systems don’t just magically create cold or hot air, there is a system in place to move heat from one place to another.

You might be asking yourself, “Why are heat pumps in Los Angeles, CA a good idea?” And we’ll be sure to answer that question below

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Get the Most Out of Your AC Installation

October 28th, 2019

While the rest of the country turns on their heaters and prepares for the chilly, windy, Halloween weather, we’ve got a few hot days approaching! If you were looking for a moment to buy an air conditioning unit, now is a perfect time!

Air conditioning installation is a touchy subject. Homeowners are always trying to save money by having an amateur or a family member set up their central air conditioning unit, but the truth of the matter is that this will most-likely yield negative results. Setting up HVAC in Los Angeles, CA isn’t a simple task, and one small problem in the installation can come with a plethora of expensive repairs down the line.

We’re not just trying to sell you service, we honestly don’t want you falling into the trap of a faulty AC installation, eventually calling us for repairs that could have been prevented.

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3 Tips to Increase AC Efficiency

October 14th, 2019

There isn’t a homeowner we’ve spoken to who would turn down a chance to save money, especially when it comes to cooling costs. Installations, repairs, maintenance, and energy bills all add up and give air conditioning the expensive reputation it has today.

Air conditioning can be expensive, sure. But it doesn’t have to be.

As we get further into the 21st century, cooling systems are getting more and more efficient and less energy-intensive. This means that eventually, while newer brand air conditioners get more powerful and efficient, AC replacement in Los Angeles, CA is a more comprehensive solution. If you’re not ready for replacement, then you’re in for a treat because there are several nifty tricks that can be done today to help lower those energy bills and increase the overall effectiveness of your air conditioning. No, this is not a joke. Keep reading!

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Do You Need AC Repair?

September 30th, 2019

It’s a simple question really. We’re not like those other, chilly areas in the rest of the country. Here in LA, you’re going to get way more use out of your air conditioner than the majority of the United States. That’s the reason we keep asking homeowners to be vigilant about their air conditioners. One little problem could mean a disastrous few days of heat without any respite!

Though, we get it. Not everyone has a background in HVAC as we do. AC repair in Los Angeles, CA can be expensive and hard to schedule when life gets busy. You might not be home for half of the time that your AC is malfunctioning, so it could be twice as hard for you to figure out there’s even a problem.

That’s why we’ve provided a few tips to help keep your AC in good condition and to assist in narrowing down when your system is on the fritz.

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