Air Purifier FAQ: Everything You Need to Know

June 22nd, 2020

With the spread of a global pandemic, indoor air quality has been on the mind of every homeowner we talk to. That’s not by accident, some indoor air quality solutions, like air purifiers, are known to help in the fight against contaminants. We’d like to help you and any other homeowner by shedding light on the misinformation that might confuse you, while helping expand your knowledge on the impact an air purifier might have on your home.

Air purifiers in Calabasas, CA have a unique job in keeping our homes safe from microorganisms that wish to harm us. From bacteria, to viruses, to mold spores, an air purifier can make all the difference when trying to stay safe and secure.

So, let’s talk about what air purifiers do, how they work, and look to answer any other questions you might have about these handy systems.

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4 AC Repairs to Look Out for

June 8th, 2020

The problem with air conditioner repair in Glendale, CA is not the price or the hassle, but pinpointing the exact issue that needs to be fixed. Homeowners often wait too long, focus on the wrong symptoms, or just don’t know enough about their air conditioners, in general, to call a team of professionals at the right time.

Imagine you’re driving your car and it’s making a screeching noise the whole time, but as long as the check engine light isn’t on, you’re in the clear, right? Wrong.

Air conditioners don’t have the luxury of a check engine light and, even if they did, it’s no excuse to leave an AC system struggling only to be frustrated later when it breaks down. We’ll get into some of the more common AC repairs we find and how you can better notice them when they show up in your system.

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3 AC Efficiency Tips for Everyday Homeowners

May 25th, 2020

When professionals look at air conditioners, two important factors come to mind. The first factor is cooling power, i.e. how cool your home is when it operates. The second factor is energy consumption because nobody wants to purchase an air conditioner that drains all the energy in their home. Both of these points need to be balanced on an every swaying scale, and that’s what we call efficiency!

Energy efficiency is the lifeblood of what HVAC technicians study. Half of our work is trying to decipher why your air conditioner is consuming so much energy, or why it’s not cooling your home to your proper standards. Though, what if we told you that there are things even you could do to improve the energy efficiency of your system?

Take it from your favorite HVAC company in Thousand Oaks, CA—you’re going to be delighted by the tips and tricks we have to offer when you realize they could save you a lot of money in the long run!

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Is Your AC Suffering from an Electrical Issue?

May 11th, 2020

Our homes are steadily relying more and more on electricity in this day and age. From our phones to our appliances, to even our air conditioners, we’re trying our best to increase their efficiency while we add more devices to our daily habits. The importance of these kinds of systems is limiting the amount of energy each device uses, while our lives integrate more and more with technology.

However, every once in awhile a device or appliance will have an electrical problem. Homeowners might mistakenly think that their electrician or family member can fix their air conditioner when it starts shorting out, but that’s not always the case! Air conditioner repair in Thousand Oaks, CA should be left up to AC professionals, even if you suspect there’s an electrical problem going on.

How can you tell if your system is suffering from electrical issues? Well, keep reading and we’ll get into the specifics!

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Get Your AC Up to Snuff for Summer

April 27th, 2020

Summers in Pasadena are a different kind of summer than anyone across the country might be used to experiencing. If anyone even thinks about trying to get through a California summer without the use of an air conditioner, they’ll probably start sweating on the spot. Before the sun is beating down on us, it might be a good idea to get your air conditioner repaired accordingly.

So, today we’re going to cover why it’s a good idea to have your air conditioner repaired before the summer temperatures come out in full swing. By taking advantage of the fact that our technicians aren’t as busy as they will be, you could have your air conditioning repair in Pasadena, CA done quickly and affordably.

Homeowners don’t often get their air conditioners repaired when they’re putting them away in the fall, so if there’s a problem in yours, it could have gotten worse over the winter. Call us today if you think AC repair can help!

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What Can Duct Cleaning Do for You?

April 13th, 2020

Your indoor air quality is important. Though, how can it be important to you and your family when you’ve got caked dirt, dust, debris, hair, and pet dander making your breathing air smell funky and feel stifling? Hiring the right team for air duct cleaning can be one of the most important things you can do to protect your indoor air quality.

Air duct cleaning services are a reliable way to rid your ducts of the dust and debris that has settled in there over their decade or longer of use. This, in combination with an air filtration system or an air purifier, can remove odors entirely from your home and keep your living space fresh and clear. So, why not give our team a call and sign up for Glendale HVAC services like air duct cleaning? We promise you’ll notice the difference.

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Get Your AC Repaired BEFORE Summer Hits

March 30th, 2020

So let’s imagine that it’s October and you’re putting your air conditioner away. You’re excited about the chilly temperatures, the coats you’ll finally be able to wear, and all the other fun things that come with the winter season. However, it becomes very clear that the strange noise your air conditioner made at the end of the month isn’t going to be a problem anymore since you’ll be depending on your furnace now, right?

Wrong! The problems that were occurring in your air conditioner before you put it away for the season didn’t just go away. In fact, they might be worse now because your system has been sitting there collecting dust for a few months. Take it from the professionals, it’s time to do the right thing and call us for AC repair in Glendale, CA before summer hits in full swing.

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Could You Use a Whole-House Humidifier?

March 16th, 2020

While humidity might be a problem sometimes, lack of humidity can become a major problem as well! When it comes to keeping your home comfortable and your healthy, well… healthy, then a humidifier might be a perfect fit for your home.

Winters can be drier than they are cold in our neck of the woods, so the lack of humidity is actually a big deal. Not only that but homes these days are built to be air-tight, which means a lack of humidity outside can lead to an extreme lack of humidity inside. Humidifiers help mitigate this problem substantially and also help our heaters work more efficiently since air with moisture holds heat better than air without it.

Not convinced? Don’t worry, our advice doesn’t stop there. We’re going to go into detail about how a whole-house humidifier can help your Santa Monica HVAC systems and better your family’s health as well!

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Repair or Replace: Which is Right for Your Furnace?

March 3rd, 2020

Deciding between furnace replacement or furnace repair in Simi Valley is by far one of the hardest decisions a homeowner has to make. These units can be expensive, are impossible to live without, and last so long that their impending replacement can often be shocking.

Believe it or not, deciding whether or not your furnace is ready to be repaired or replaced can be done with relative ease if you know what you’re looking for.

Let us make the process easier for you by taking the difficult parts, like dealing with amateur technicians and having to make an uninformed decision, out of the equation. Take a deep breath and keep reading. We’ll go into detail about the different signs that show whether or not your system is ready to be replaced or if it is economically feasible to still perform repairs.

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Make Sure Your AC Is Installed Correctly

February 17th, 2020

Air conditioning repair in Calabasas, CA can quickly follow from an amateur installation, and not many homeowners know about this. That’s because air conditioning installation takes a huge amount of technical expertise, as well as precise measurements that require the use of additional equipment. A faulty installation can end up costing you an absurd amount of money in AC repairs and even end up costing you the entire unit itself as you might need a replacement to work effectively. Don’t settle for the expensive costs for

Basically, setting up your air conditioner is not like building furniture you’ve ordered on the web. This is machinery that needs to be expertly installed, and we’re going to go through the various reasons why.

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