We just want to point out before we get into this lengthy post, that we appreciate all of our customers, prospective customers, and web surfers who read our blogs. Our tips are not meant to go unheard, and we’re always happy to hear about the success stories of homeowners that take the initiative of getting to know their HVAC systems a little better. That being said, we’d like to approach a topic that is long overdue.
Who do you turn to for HVAC services in Los Angeles, CA? No, that’s not a rhetorical question, we want you to say it out loud. If you proclaim it with a smile, then you’re probably in good hands. If you hesitate or even have to look their names up for a few minutes, then you might be able to do better.
We want to talk about why our team, specifically the crew at JMS Air Conditioning and Heating, is the premier HVAC provider in the area.
A Team with a Mission
What happens when you put a bunch of passionate engineers together in a room with a malfunctioning air conditioner or heater? Well, something magical. Our team doesn’t just replace broken parts, fix nuts and bolts, and recharge the refrigerant in air conditioners. Well—we do, but that’s not nearly all we do.
Our mission is to provide improvements to your home, your comfort systems, and your life. Sometimes your budget can take a heavy hit from constant repair needs where a technician is going to siphon those labor costs up gladly. For us, we honestly don’t really want to charge homeowners for repairs over and over again. We’d much rather put our heads together and come up with a long-term, cost-effective solution that keeps you happy, longer.
Do yourself a favor, and choose a team that’s on a mission.
Company Values
We apologize for how cheesy this might sound, but too many HVAC providers in the Los Angeles area don’t have good ethics. They’re money-hungry businesses or at least satellites of major corporations that are built on the idea of profit overall.
Our team is different. Our company started from Yossi Mesica, just one HVAC contractor with a dream, and it’s evolved to a team with over 30 people who do amazing work. We’re members of this community, just like you, and with our core values like integrity, accountability, and positivity, our service quality is just always going to be better than those who don’t care as much.
What Else?
Okay, enough with the cheesy talk, you’re probably wondering about what concrete offers we have that make us the best in the business? Well, for starters we have a 100% satisfaction guarantee that is always available for our customers. Our maintenance program is practically unbeatable with a slew of discounts, priority scheduling, tune-ups, and courtesy calls so that you don’t have to think about your HVAC system very much.
Honestly, when you add all of these points together you get what our company is all about—quality service. If the pro you usually go to is giving you the runaround, or if you’re just tired of exorbitant prices that don’t make sense, then make sure you call us.
The JMS Air Conditioning and Heating team has your back. Give us a call today!