JMS Air Conditioning and Heating Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Do You Need a UV Air Purifier?

Monday, July 19th, 2021

This might seem like a random question to ask a homeowner, but with the importance of safety and air quality rising in priority, we think it needs to be asked. Whether you’re an expert in indoor air quality technology, or you’re just a homeowner looking for a way to keep your home safe and secure, this is a blog post all about air purification.

The information about not only what is in our air, but also how to filter and eliminate these contaminants should be more widely available than it is. After all, homeowners often don’t know the specifics of what could be plaguing their indoor air, or why an air purifier in Santa Clarita, CA is a great purchase for the future.

Is an air purifier perfect for your home? Or perhaps you’re more in need of an air filter, or some other kind of indoor air quality system? Don’t worry, this blog post will discuss exactly what these systems do and point you in the right direction!

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The Insidious Problem of Mold

Monday, May 24th, 2021

Mold is a strange concept. We all know what it is, from the tiny specs of mold we find in expired food to the mold that we’ve seen grow outside in dark, damp areas of our property. It’s almost a force of nature–wherever there’s moisture and darkness, mold will begin to fester no matter how much you wish it away.

That being said, your home is different. Your home is your sanctuary, and no home should be forced to deal with a mold problem that’s both dangerous and uncomfortable. Our team provides air purifiers in Pasadena, CA for homes that need a high-tech advantage in the fight against growing mold and mildew.

To show just how important it is that you invest in the right indoor air quality solutions, we’re going to talk about why mold is such a problem in homes.

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3 Contaminants You Haven’t Heard About

Monday, April 26th, 2021

Contaminants are everywhere these days. It’s so important that we nip them in the bud wherever possible, because we never really know what’s in our air. From bacteria, to viruses, and even mold spores and more, our air is inundated with things that our body is constantly fighting against.

However, most homeowners already know about those biological contaminants, but what about other types of problems? If you’ve ever done an online search about the possible contaminants in your air, you’ve probably been overwhelmed by a long list of possibilities. While many contaminants are less likely to appear in your home than others, depending on certain factors, there are some important ones that you might want protection from.

Don’t worry, an air purifier in Glendale, CA as well as an air filtration system can deal with this problem head-on so that you can live a safe and secure life going forward.

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Shifting Seasons, Shifting Air

Monday, March 1st, 2021

There’s a pretty interesting reason as to why we use the seasons at all in our calendars. We don’t have to name all the months and have unique names for each season and solstice, but we do. That’s because the weather can shift a lot and so does the indoor air quality of our homes.

Sure, the weather doesn’t dramatically shift in southern California as it might in other areas of the country, but it still shifts. With those shifts come contaminants that are picked up by winds, melted ice on mountain tops, and other allergens that can swiftly come into play in the spring months.

Now that spring is about to begin, it’s high time to think about an air filtration system in Los Angeles, CA. These units can filter out allergens, dust, debris, and whatever else might be coming your way in the next few months.

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Your Personal Indoor Air Quality FAQ

Monday, November 9th, 2020

How is your home’s indoor air quality? Good? Bad? Are you unsure? That’s not really a problem, it can be difficult for homeowners to really understand their indoor air quality until someone fills them in on the details. There are a lot of aspects of indoor air quality to consider, from humidity levels to dust and debris, and even viruses or bacteria that get cycled through our HVAC systems. It’s a lot to wrap your head around.

Luckily, we’ve got the expertise to fill you in on what improvements you might need to feel safe, secure, and comfortable in your home. We supply air purifiers in Westlake Village, CA so homeowners can breathe easier, remove odors, and reduce the amount of illness-causing contaminants in the air.

Are you ready for an air purifier? Look at our checklist below to see if it’s time for an upgrade.

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What’s the Difference Between a Filter and a Purifier?

Monday, September 28th, 2020

Homeowners that are likely to invest in air purifiers in Glendale, CA have probably run into this conundrum before. What the heck is the difference between an air purifier and an air filter? And, more importantly, what does that difference mean for your home?

Well, luckily for you, our team is full of specialists on this matter. Air filters and air purifiers do target different types of contaminants in your air. While they both essentially keep your air clean, they do it in two very different ways.

Don’t just take our word for it. Keep reading as we go into the details of how each of these systems works and what they’re normally good for. Then, you’ll be able to make a better decision when deciding which system is right for your home. It could be an air purifier, an air filter, or perhaps both!

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Combat Humidity with a Dehumidifier

Monday, July 20th, 2020

What’s worse, heat or humidity? That’s a tough question since we’re constantly associating the sweat and discomfort of summer with the heat from the sun. However, we’d argue humidity is the real villain of the summertime weather. The muggy weather of summertime is responsible for us feeling sticky, sweaty, uncomfortable, and hotter than average. So, it’s important to combat this humidity with an effective dehumidifier.

Many homeowners think they need to choose between a dehumidifier and an air conditioner. Some homeowners even think that they do the same job, and that purchasing a dehumidifier is redundant. That couldn’t be further from the truth!

Dehumidifiers are tools that contribute to comfortable homes. They can work together with your air conditioner to provide dry, cool homes when we want them. Take it from us, the experts on all things indoor air quality systems. Keep reading as we discuss the details of dehumidification.

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Air Purifier FAQ: Everything You Need to Know

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

With the spread of a global pandemic, indoor air quality has been on the mind of every homeowner we talk to. That’s not by accident, some indoor air quality solutions, like air purifiers, are known to help in the fight against contaminants. We’d like to help you and any other homeowner by shedding light on the misinformation that might confuse you, while helping expand your knowledge on the impact an air purifier might have on your home.

Air purifiers in Calabasas, CA have a unique job in keeping our homes safe from microorganisms that wish to harm us. From bacteria, to viruses, to mold spores, an air purifier can make all the difference when trying to stay safe and secure.

So, let’s talk about what air purifiers do, how they work, and look to answer any other questions you might have about these handy systems.

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What Can Duct Cleaning Do for You?

Monday, April 13th, 2020

Your indoor air quality is important. Though, how can it be important to you and your family when you’ve got caked dirt, dust, debris, hair, and pet dander making your breathing air smell funky and feel stifling? Hiring the right team for air duct cleaning can be one of the most important things you can do to protect your indoor air quality.

Air duct cleaning services are a reliable way to rid your ducts of the dust and debris that has settled in there over their decade or longer of use. This, in combination with an air filtration system or an air purifier, can remove odors entirely from your home and keep your living space fresh and clear. So, why not give our team a call and sign up for Glendale HVAC services like air duct cleaning? We promise you’ll notice the difference.

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Could You Use a Whole-House Humidifier?

Monday, March 16th, 2020

While humidity might be a problem sometimes, lack of humidity can become a major problem as well! When it comes to keeping your home comfortable and your healthy, well… healthy, then a humidifier might be a perfect fit for your home.

Winters can be drier than they are cold in our neck of the woods, so the lack of humidity is actually a big deal. Not only that but homes these days are built to be air-tight, which means a lack of humidity outside can lead to an extreme lack of humidity inside. Humidifiers help mitigate this problem substantially and also help our heaters work more efficiently since air with moisture holds heat better than air without it.

Not convinced? Don’t worry, our advice doesn’t stop there. We’re going to go into detail about how a whole-house humidifier can help your Santa Monica HVAC systems and better your family’s health as well!

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