JMS Air Conditioning and Heating Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Signs of a Freon Leak in Your AC and What to Do

Monday, February 27th, 2023

Your air conditioner likely uses a substance called refrigerant to cool your home. In some cases it also uses refrigerant to heat your home, but it depends on what type of system you have. Many people use the terms Freon and refrigerant interchangeably, although Freon is a specific brand name of refrigerant. 

No matter what you want to call it, having a Freon leak in your AC is a big problem. If you think that you have a Freon leak and went to schedule AC repair in Los Angeles, our team can help. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about the signs of a Freon leak in your AC and what to do about it. 

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Signs of a Refrigerant Leak in Your AC and What to Do

Monday, January 30th, 2023

Let’s face it, air conditioning is always on our minds because it just doesn’t get and stay that cold here in Southern California. We tend to be much more concerned about our air conditioners than our heaters. And one common problem with AC is that the refrigerant can leak out. 

But just because it’s common, does not mean that it’s something you need to accept and put up with. Recharging refrigerant and fixing leaks is something we do frequently. So if you need AC repair in Los Angeles, give him a call. In the meantime, you can learn about the common signs of a refrigerant leak in residential ACs. 

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How Smart Thermostats Can Save You Money

Monday, December 19th, 2022

Smart thermostats have gained popularity over the last decade and can now be found in most homes across the country. But are you using your smart thermostat to save money on energy bills, or are you just using it as if it were a standard thermostat?

If your thermostat can connect to WiFi, it’s a smart thermostat. If you don’t have this kind of thermostat already, smart thermostat installation is a great investment to make. Smart thermostats can save you money on energy bills with very little effort required. 

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Here’s Why You Should Have a Smart Thermostat Installed

Monday, December 5th, 2022

If you’re looking for ways to lower your energy costs, a programmable thermostat – also called a smart thermostat – is a great place to start. Sure, you can set reminders to change the air temperature in your home at certain times to conserve energy use, but it’s so easy to forget.

With a smart thermostat, you don’t have anything else to remember. Plus, a smart thermostat takes away some of the guesswork by offering suggestions based on your energy use. If you’re interested in smart thermostat installation, give our team a call. If you need more ways that a programmable thermostat can benefit your home, we’ve got five. 

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Grade Your Air Conditioner’s Summer Performance

Monday, November 7th, 2022

Fall means a break from the sweltering temperatures of summer for you and for your air conditioner! Your HVAC system worked hard all summer long to keep your family cool. Now that you have time to take a breather in between seasons, it’s important to take the pulse of your unit, so to speak. 

How did your HVAC system cool your home over the summer? Did it make keeping your home cool a breeze, or was it a little more challenging to get comfortable because your unit struggled? If your AC unit didn’t work as well as you expected, it may be time to invest in AC repair in Glendale. And even if your AC worked great without a single hiccup, maintenance is still important to maintain those impressive results. 

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Why is My HVAC Unit Short Cycling

Monday, October 10th, 2022

You may not realize it or think about it, but your AC unit is made up of tiny, intricate parts that all work together to cool your home. When something happens with just one screw or bolt, the damage can quickly spread throughout your unit and lead to a fairly common problem for residential air conditioners: short cycling.

Short cycling happens when your air conditioner turns on and off more frequently than it should between cooling cycles. If you suspect that your air conditioner is short cycling, your need Los Angeles air conditioning repair. And our team can help! But first, it’s important to understand what short cycling is and why it happens.

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Signs You Need AC Repair

Monday, September 26th, 2022

Air conditioning maintenance isn’t an optional expense. It’s an important investment in your HVAC system and your entire home. But when everything is working and nothing seems to be wrong, it’s easy to put off maintenance appointments. But something will inevitably go wrong with your air conditioner in the future – whether it’s next week or six months from now or even a few years from now. 

But when you stick to a scheduled maintenance plan, you reduce the chances of surprise repair bills and system problems because you address problems before they even begin. If you’re ready to schedule air conditioning repair in Simi Valley, our team can help. But how do you know when something is wrong and it’s time to call for repairs? Learn the signs that you need AC repair and stay ahead of HVAC breakdowns. 

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Everything to Know About Refrigerant

Monday, August 1st, 2022

Does AC refrigerant run out after a period of time? What is refrigerant anyways? Is it dangerous to breathe it in?

Woah there! That’s a lot of questions. We are prepared to answer each and every one, but we’d also like to remind you that your air conditioner wouldn’t be filled with refrigerant if it wasn’t safe and effective at what it did. We’d even argue that air conditioners wouldn’t exist without refrigerant.

This is the blog post all about refrigerant, and we’re going to go through exactly what this chemical is and why it’s so important to the field of HVAC.

Long story short, if you arrived at this blog post looking for air conditioning repair in Pasadena, CA because your system is losing refrigerant, then you should call our team for help. But, while you’re waiting, you might as well learn a thing or two about this valuable material.

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3 Sounds Your Air Conditioner Should Be Making

Monday, July 18th, 2022

Not many things in this world work or operate silently. Even human beings, for as quiet as we can be, our stomachs, mouths, noses, and even hair make sounds as we move throughout our daily schedules. The trick to living a comfortable life is making sure your appliances aren’t disruptive in their noise pollution, so you can get quiet when you need it.

An air conditioner is one of those appliances that can make some loud and disconcerting noises. If your AC is making sounds that cause discomfort, we urge you to call our team for AC repair in Glendale, CA so that we can address the issue and get it fixed. Loud and uncomfortable noises are never a good sign and they always warrant the work of a pro.

Though, what kinds of noises are benign and common? That’s what this blog post is about today. Let’s discuss some noises that your AC should probably make when it runs.

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Three Quick Ways to Detect a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, July 4th, 2022

As the summer heat rages on, HVAC units in homes around the United States are getting used daily. If you want to keep the inside of your home at a comfortable temperature, then keeping your HVAC unit functional is imperative. Residential HVAC units need a few basic things to produce a steady flow of cool air. 

The refrigerant in your HVAC unit is responsible for absorbing the heat in the air that your system pulls in from outdoors. As this air runs through the evaporator and compressor, the refrigerant helps to cool it down. Refrigerant leaks are quite common, especially in older units. 

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