Our homes are steadily relying more and more on electricity in this day and age. From our phones to our appliances, to even our air conditioners, we’re trying our best to increase their efficiency while we add more devices to our daily habits. The importance of these kinds of systems is limiting the amount of energy each device uses, while our lives integrate more and more with technology.
However, every once in awhile a device or appliance will have an electrical problem. Homeowners might mistakenly think that their electrician or family member can fix their air conditioner when it starts shorting out, but that’s not always the case! Air conditioner repair in Thousand Oaks, CA should be left up to AC professionals, even if you suspect there’s an electrical problem going on.
How can you tell if your system is suffering from electrical issues? Well, keep reading and we’ll get into the specifics!
Common AC Electrical Issues
In order to separate what an electrical issue might be from other common issues, we need to talk about the most common electrical issues that we see. If you’re dealing with one of the following problems, then you likely need some sort of electrical AC repair.
The good news is that most electrical repair is relatively inexpensive compared to problems with a compressor or a refrigerant leak. So, let’s take a look at what the most common electrical problems are.
Wiring Problems
Your air conditioner contains a wide variety of wires that connect with circuits in order to make it function. Similarly to any other appliance, wiring needs to connect properly, and if your wires begin to fray or lose connection, then you’re likely going to encounter problems with poor output or a malfunctioning air conditioner.
Capacitor Issues
Capacitors are used to help your air conditioner start and stop. That’s because there are two kinds of capacitors in your air conditioner—start capacitors and run capacitors. Each of them is required to make your air conditioner start cycling and stop cycling, sort of like the gas or brake pedal of your car. Without one of them, you’re bound to end up with some type of malfunction that could lead to a system breakdown. If your air conditioner is constantly turning off when it shouldn’t be or having trouble starting, you could be dealing with a capacitor issue.
Circuit Breakers
You probably know what a blown circuit breaker is like. You might be using an appliance and all of a sudden, all the electrical devices in a specific room stop working. Since air conditioners require a lot of power, they often require their own circuit breakers when they’re installed in your home’s electrical system. This means that you’re less likely to see a whole section of your home turn off when a circuit breaker trips.
However, there could be something wrong that’s causing a malfunction in the electrical system. Your air conditioner’s breaker could be faulty, or it could be drawing too much energy causing the breaker to overload and shut off. Either way, this is usually expressed by an air conditioner that keeps turning off.
If you suspect that your AC is suffering from an electrical issue, call us at JMS Air Conditioning and Heating today!