Does AC refrigerant run out after a period of time? What is refrigerant anyways? Is it dangerous to breathe it in?
Woah there! That’s a lot of questions. We are prepared to answer each and every one, but we’d also like to remind you that your air conditioner wouldn’t be filled with refrigerant if it wasn’t safe and effective at what it did. We’d even argue that air conditioners wouldn’t exist without refrigerant.
This is the blog post all about refrigerant, and we’re going to go through exactly what this chemical is and why it’s so important to the field of HVAC.
Long story short, if you arrived at this blog post looking for air conditioning repair in Pasadena, CA because your system is losing refrigerant, then you should call our team for help. But, while you’re waiting, you might as well learn a thing or two about this valuable material.
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Tags: air conditioning repair, Pasadena
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